Committee of the Whole Meeting

S.H. Blake Memorial Auditorium

Closed Session Agendas will be distributed separately to Members of Council and EMT only.

Chair: Councillor Mark Bentz

  • WITH RESPECT to the November 27, 2023 Committee of the Whole meeting, we recommend that the agenda as printed, including any additional information and new business, be confirmed.

Memorandum from City Clerk Krista Power, dated October 26, 2023 requesting to provide a presentation relative to the above noted.

Deputation request received from Randy Nahachewsky on October 6, 2023 requesting to appear before Committee relative to the above noted.

The Minutes of Meeting 05-2023, of the Official Recognition Committee, held on September 28, 2023, for information.

The Minutes of Meeting 05-2023 of the Anti-Racism & Equity Advisory Committee, held on May 31, 2023, for information.

The Minutes of the Thunder Bay District Health Unit, held on September 20, 2023, for information.

The Minutes of Meetings 07-2023 & 08-2023 of the Inter-Governmental Affairs Committee, held on October 11, 2023 & October 24, 2023, for information.

The Minutes of Meeting 05-2023 of the Clean, Green & Beautiful Committee held on June 28, 2023, for information.

Report 346-2023 (Corporate Services - Revenue) recommending an approach to deal with the remaining one property that did not sell in the 2023 tax sale.

  • WITH RESPECT to Report 346-2023-Corporate Services-Revenue, we recommend that the City Treasurer vest the following property in the name of the municipality being a property having a low environmental risk and that the property be retained by the municipality for municipal purposes:

     Roll Number                                       Address

    02.103.39800.0000                          300 Maxwell Avenue;                                 

    AND THAT upon the vesting of the property, taxes be written off as uncollectible;

    AND THAT immediately upon the vesting of the property, Administration take the appropriate steps to manage all risks associated with ownership of the property;

    AND THAT any necessary by-laws be presented to City Council for ratification.

Report 364-2023 (Corporate Services - Superior North EMS) relative to the above noted.  (Distributed Separately)

Report 183-2023 (Corporate Services - Corporate Information Technology) outlining six new proposed policies relating to the City’s IT Resources and responsibilities of the Corporate Information Technology (CIT) division, subject to Council approval. 

  • WITH RESPECT to Report 182-2023-Corporate Services-Corporate Information Technology, we recommend that Corporate Policy 03-05-01 Computer Use (Attachment A) be repealed and replaced with the revised Acceptable Use Policy, appended as Attachment B;

    AND THAT the proposed Backup and Retention Policy (Attachment C) be approved;

    AND THAT the proposed External IT Service Provider – Remote Access Policy (Attachment D) be approved;

    AND THAT the proposed IT Security and Resource Management Policy (Attachment E) be approved;

    AND THAT the proposed Mobile Device Policy (Attachment F) be approved;

    AND THAT the proposed Remote Access Policy (Attachment G) be approved;

    AND THAT the proposed Secure Cloud Usage Policy (Attachment H) be approved;

    AND THAT the approved policies be added to the Corporate Policy Manual;

    AND THAT any necessary by-laws be presented to City Council for ratification.


Report 354-2023 (Community Services - Recreation & Culture) relative to the above noted.  (Distributed Separately)

Report 377-2023 (Community Services - Recreation & Culture) relative to the above noted.  (Distributed Separately)

Report 353-2023 (Infrastructure, Development & Operations - Development Services - Planning Services) providing an overview relative to the above noted.

  • Corporate Report 253-2023-Infrastructure, Development & Operations-Planning Services, presented on October 23, 2023, did not recommend that a private event venue be permitted.

    Should Council wish to support the request of the Applicant to define and permit a private event venue, with the support of a Noise Impact Assessment, the following Resolution is provided for Council’s consideration.

    WHEREAS a Public Meeting was held with respect to the application by P and J Sklazeski, relative to the property described as West Half of Southeast Quarter of Mining Location 24 less PARTS 1 to 4 on Plan 55R4133, municipally known as 2301 Government Road, for a site-specific amendment to the City of Thunder Bay Zoning By-law 1-2022.

    AND WHEREAS Council has decided that an amendment which would have the effect of allowing the operation of a private venue on the subject property is compatible with surrounding land uses and represents good planning subject to a satisfactory Noise Impact Assessment.

    THAT the following amendments to the Zoning By-law be approved for the property known as 2301 Government Road:

    1. That a holding symbol be applied to the lands.
    1. That a “private venue” be defined as “a place rented to private groups for a fee for the purpose of recreation, cultural, or social activities and events, including but not limited to the following:
    • Private events such as weddings, parties, and workshops.
    • Organized leisure and educational activities which primarily take place outdoors such as running, walking, skating, cycling, horseback riding, foraging, outdoor fitness classes, and outdoor education related to the natural environment.

    The term excludes any use involving motor vehicles, except for those used for general maintenance or personal use.

    The term also excludes concerts, festivals, fairs or retail markets, commercial swimming pools, commercial saunas, miniature golf courses, or any large-scale outdoor recreation use such as amusement parks, overnight cabins, recreational vehicle parks, driving ranges, golf courses, ski resorts, zoos, and racetracks.

    1. That a “private venue” be permitted as a secondary use to a detached house. 
    1. That, in the case of a “private venue”, the following regulations be established:
      a. The maximum total gross floor area (GFA) for buildings and roofed structures is 650.0 m2.
      b. The maximum overall height is 15.0 m.
      c. The maximum number of storeys is two.
      d. The minimum area reserved for parking must accommodate no less than 200 parking spaces and associated parking aisles.
    1. That a “private venue” is not permitted while the holding symbol is in place.
    1. That the holding symbol may be removed when the following condition is met:

    That a Noise Impact Assessment prepared by a Qualified Professional is received that demonstrates compatibility with the surrounding land uses by establishing reasonable limits for noise impacts from the proposed use using any relevant guidelines or standards and may identify recommended mitigation measures to the satisfaction of Planning Services.

    AND THAT the lands be designated as an area of Site Plan Control.

    AND THAT the necessary By-laws are presented to City Council for ratification.

Memorandum from Tammy Mastalerz, Supervisor – Supply Management - Corporate Services relative to the above noted.  (Distributed Separately)

Memorandum from Councillor Shelby Ch'ng dated November 6, 2023 outlining challenges as it relates to short term rentals and the impact on the housing crisis in our community and containing a motion recommending in support of the request to the Government of Ontario to establish a regulatory framework.

  • WITH RESPECT to the memorandum dated November 6, 2023 from Councillor Shelby Ch’ng, Vice Chair of Intergovernmental Affairs Committee, we recommend in support of the request to the Government of Ontario to establish a regulatory framework requiring digital platforms such as Airbnb and VRBO to:

    •    Require owners using the digital platforms to comply with municipal planning and licensing regulations; and
    •    Prevent advertising of properties that are not registered with the relevant municipality; and
    •    Provide a contact with the platform to ensure ongoing and effective communications for provincial and municipal officials; 

    AND THAT the City of Thunder Bay call upon the Province of Ontario to work with municipalities to address situations in which long term housing stock has been lost to corporate ownership of short-term rental properties; 

    AND THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Premier Doug Ford, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Paul Calandra, MPP Lise Vaugeois and MPP Kevin Holland, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), the Northern Ontario Municipal Association (NOMA) and all municipalities in Ontario;

    AND THAT any necessary by-laws be presented to Council for ratification. 

Memorandum from City Treasurer Keri Greaves, dated November 14, 2023 containing a motion recommending that Andrea Morrison be appointed Deputy City Treasurer for the Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay to meet all statutory obligations under the Municipal Act.

  • WITH RESPECT to the Memorandum from Keri Greaves, City Treasurer, Office of the City Treasurer, Corporate Services, dated November 14, 2023, we recommend that Andrea Morrison be appointed Deputy City Treasurer for the Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay to meet all statutory obligations under the Municipal Act;

    AND THAT By-law 366-2023 being a By-Law to appoint Andrea Morrison as Deputy City Treasurer for the Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay, be presented to City Council for ratification at the City Council meeting following Committee of the Whole on December 11, 2023;

    AND THAT By-law 302-2023 appointing Andrea Morrison as Acting Deputy City Treasurer for the Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay be repealed.

Memorandum from Capital Asset Accountant Jana Roy, dated November 15, 2023 containing a motion recommending that By-law BL 113-2022 be amended by repealing and replacing Schedule A.

  • WITH RESPECT to the Memorandum from Jana Roy, Capital Asset Accountant, dated November 27, 2023, we recommend that By-law BL 113-2022 be amended by repealing and replacing Schedule A;

    AND THAT the by-law amending BL 113-2022 be presented to City Council at the November 27, 2023 City Council meeting for ratification.

Memorandum from City Clerk Krista Power, dated November 14, 2023 providing the Administrative Services Session Outstanding Items List, for information.