Community Safety and Well-Being Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes

McNaughton Room - 3rd Floor, City Hall

William Bradica, District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board
Albert Brule, United Way Thunder Bay
Paul Capon, Matawa First Nations Management
Councillor Kasey Etreni
Brice Morriseau, Fort William First Nation
Shannon Robinson, Thunder Bay District Health Unit
Jeff Upton, Lakehead Public Schools
Diane Walker, Children's Centre Thunder Bay

Dan Greenaway - Superior North EMS
Lee-Ann Chevrette, Community Safety & Well-Being Specialist
Rilee Willianen, Policy & Research Analyst
Lori Wiitala, Council & Committee Clerk



Jenny Leadbeater, Northwest Community Mobilization Coordinator - Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) 

A member of the CSWB Advisory Committee will provide a land acknowledgement.

MOVED BY:               Councillor Kasey Etreni
SECONDED BY:        Diane Walker

WITH RESPECT to the December 6, 2023, meeting of the Community Safety and Well-Being Advisory Committee, we recommend that the agenda as printed, including any additional information and new business, be confirmed.


The Minutes of Meeting 02-2023 Community Safety and Well-Being Advisory Committee, held on May 24, 2023, to be confirmed.

MOVED BY:               Councillor Kasey Etreni
SECONDED BY:        Paul Capon

THAT the Minutes of Meeting 02-2023 Community Safety and Well-Being Advisory Committee, held on May 24, 2023, be confirmed.


Information Session notes from September 13, 2023, included, for information.

Jenny Leadbeater, Northwest Community Mobilization Coordinator - Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), provided a PowerPoint presentation and responded to questions relative to Situation Tables and Risk-Driven Tracking Database (RTD) for Thunder Bay & Region.

Jenny Leadbeater, Northwest Community Mobilization Coordinator - Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), provided a PowerPoint presentation and responded to questions relative to Human Services Justice Coordinating Committees (HSJCC’s), Situation Tables and Risk-Driven Tracking Database (RTD) for Thunder Bay & NW Region.

Human Service Justice Coordinating Committees (HSJCC) is a network of service professionals representing each sector to collaborate and find solutions to the criminalization of individuals within the priority areas (serious mental illness, developmental disability, acquired brain injury, drug and alcohol addiction, and/or fetal alcohol syndrome) and to develop a shared model of responsibility and accountability in dealing with this group of individuals within the justice system. The Thunder Bay & District HSJCC held a meeting in Nov 2023 after a 6-7 year hiatus.

Systemic issues may be brought forward by the network membership and regional situation tables. The issues management framework guides this process, including the following goals:

  • To have a deliberate process for management and flow of identified systemic issues
  • To have a focused and informed discussions that create purposeful outcomes
  • To mitigate barriers between the levels of the network – local/regional/provincial
  • To facilitate communication on emerging regional issues that are relevant to the Network

A multi-year report for the Thunder Bay Situation Table was completed in June and distributed to partners in July 2023. Copies are available to anyone interested.

Trends noted in the report are a steady decline in referrals over the 6 year period. This could be due to new program in community (e.g. IMPACT, Quick Connect). The high demographic referred are those within age range of 12 - 17.  In terms of outcomes, seeing more Still at Acutely Elevated Risk – Systemic Issue which highlights systemic issues are a key factor in keeping people at high risk. The top risk factors include mental health, drugs, housing, and alcohol. Other notable risk factors include criminal involvement, physical violence, basic needs, self-harm.  Also seeing increase in youth gang involvement.

Regular training for Situation Tables is provided on a bi-monthly basis and all new and current members of tables across the NW Region are welcome to attend.

In order to obtain regional data from the RTD, specific requests must be submitted to SOLGEN whereas reports for the Thunder Bay Situation Table can be generated by the Coordinator by logging into the RTD. 

In the process of developing a Situation Table website to provide one-stop for information about Situation Tables in the NW Region. The goal is to connect people with the right table while ensuring privacy.

Discussion was held relative to how the Covid-19 pandemic effected individuals and the impact of social isolation, feelings of hopelessness, and exhaustion and how these may be impacting referrals to Situation Tables.

Discussion was held relative to alcohol and how it has been one of the top risk factors noted in RTD reports for the NW Region year after year.  This is not the case for other regions in Ontario.  According to research, LCBO sales have been increasing each year for the last two decades. It has been challenging to assist individuals and provide appropriate direction considering alcohol is socially acceptable and permitted in many social settings. More prevention measures need to be implemented around alcohol use.

The committee agreed that the upcoming implementation of alcohol sales in convenience stores will produce significant detrimental impact.

Policy & Research Analyst and Acting Drug Strategy Lead Rilee Willianen provided a thorough update relative to the above noted.

The Opioid Task Force is conducting a simulation exercise within the Emergency Response Plan; including decision-making processes, information sharing, and the effective coordination of resources, with objectives to identify and prioritize actions in response to a mass casualty event involving illicit opioids.

The new Canadian Drugs and Substances Strategy was released in October 2023 and the model has shifted away from its previous pillared approach to more a wholistic and integrated model which is depicted in a circle to highlight the interconnectedness of each focus area: prevention & education, evidence, substance use services & supports and substance controls.

The People with Lived Experience (PWLE) group received a Mayors Community Safety award in the Outstanding Community Project category.

Public Health Agency of Canada has a new federal funding initiative called the Youth Substance Use Prevention Program; based on the Icelandic Prevention Model (IPM), the Program’s goal includes:

    • implement a youth substance use prevention model, following the principles and steps of the IPM
    • support the Canadian implementation of the IPM
    • support the subsequent knowledge development and exchange based on the evaluation of the IPM in the Canadian context

Office of the Chief Coroner quarterly summaries of opioid-related mortality in Ontario released in late November, covering Q1 & Q2 (Jan - June 2023) - including:

    • death total in Q2 2023 (668) similar to Q1 2023 (656).
    • mortality rate Q2 2023 decreased relative to 2021 (-7%); remains higher than 2019 (+68%).
    • Ages 30-59 are most impacted at 74% of deaths in 2023 Q2. Men account for 3 in 4 deaths since the start of the pandemic. Majority of deaths happen in a private dwelling.
    • Since 2020, approximately half of opioid toxicity deaths had evidence of inhalation.
    • Thunder Bay District Health Unit, has the highest Opioid toxicity mortality rate per 100,000 population for Q1 & Q2.
    • Benzodiazepines, cocaine, and fentanyl are the substances most commonly involved in opioid toxicity deaths, with fentanyl contributing to the large majority (85%) of deaths.

Drug Awareness Committee was successful in a grant application to the Thunder Bay Community Foundation “John Rafferty” grant.

The "Upcycle for Change" project consists of four phases:

  • Phase I involves interactive public engagement
  • Phase II involves a CreAction Collective facilitated art workshop coinciding with the locally organized Overdose Awareness event in August 2024.
  • Phase III will be the unveiling of the collaborative artwork during the Rockin’ Recovery event in September 2024

Community Safety & Well-Being Specialist Lee-Ann Chevrette provided a thorough update relative to the above noted.

The following information was provided.

CPTED Training and Audit - September 19, 2023, Thunder Bay Police Service (TBPS) and CSWB will be coordinating training on Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED).

Annual CSWB Forum - The 2nd Annual Forum was held on October 12, 2023; the theme was Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES).

2023 Mayor's Community Safety Awards - The Awards were rescheduled to November 20, 2023; two individuals and four outstanding community projects were recognized:

  • Community Hero: Jon Green
  • Young Leader: Winner McGuire
  • Outstanding Community Projects:
    • People With Lived Experience Advisory Committee
    • Poverty Free Thunder Bay
    • Expressive Arts Program (NorWest Community Health Centres)
    • Voices of Youth Project (RMYC & NAN Youth Council)

Trust and Reconciliation Toolkit - Worked with a Leadership Thunder Bay Community Action Project (CAP) group (September 2022-June 2023) to facilitate Community Conversations using the Guide and developing a framework for the Toolkit; work is ongoing. November 15, 2023, participated in One City Many Voices event with Diversity Thunder Bay and the Anti Racism & Equity Advisory Committee; focus on the event to highlight the Anti-Racism & Anti-Discrimination priority area of the CSWB Plan initiatives that aim to address the targeted outcomes in the Plan. 

Adverse Child Experiences (ACES) Initiatives - National Scan of ACES - In partnership with the Thunder Bay District Health Unit and the Canadian Municipal Network on Crime Prevention, we conducted the National Scan in 2022. The final report – National Scan of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Prevention and Intervention Approaches, was released during the Canadian Municipal Network’s National Virtual Conference in November 2022.

Submission to Ontario Trillium Foundation for Resilient Communities Fund - On January 31, 2023, in partnership with the Thunder Bay District Child & Youth Mental Health and Addictions Planning Table, a grant application was submitted ($200,000) to help advance ACEs work in Thunder Bay and District. This grant is related to COVID-19 Recovery efforts.

Building Safer Communities-Development of a Youth Gang Prevention Strategy - The City of Thunder Bay was identified by Public Safety Canada (PSC) to receive funding for a 3-year program aimed at preventing youth gang involvement

Trauma- and Violence-Informed Response to Sexual Violence and Human Trafficking - Thunder Bay Police Service, Sexual Abuse Centre Thunder Bay, among other local partners, completed a project to improve the trauma and violence informed response to Human Trafficking and Gender-Based Violence in Thunder Bay and region. Two days of training were held in February 2022 for over 100 officers and Crowns in attendance.

Intimate Partner Violence Deputation to CSWB Advisory Committee - On September 25, 2023, a deputation and recommendation were presented to City Council to declare Gender-based Violence (GBV) and Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) an epidemic in Thunder Bay; City Council supported the recommendation. 

Youth Inclusion Program wrapped up at the end of June 2023.

Healthy Kids H.O.M.E. Initiative - Thunder Bay District Health Unit, Our Kids Count and The City of Thunder Bay Recreation and Culture Division, received funding from the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), and in-kind contributions from local community partners to implement the Healthy Kids H.O.M.E. (Health on the Move for Equity) Program hubs in the Windsor Street, Academy Heights and Dease-McKellar-Ogden-Simpson. Satellite programming is taking place in the Westfort neighborhood. The program includes a third-party evaluation and is demonstrating positive outcomes. Programming is ongoing.

City Studio - CSWB Thunder Bay has partnered with the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM), Lakehead University, Confederation College, University of Ottawa Medical School, and Community Safety & Well Being Ottawa to receive a grant from the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) to assist with implementing the City Studio model.

Voluntary Local Review for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) UN SDG Cities Initiative - The City of Thunder Bay was invited to participate in the SDG Cities Initiative.

Upstream Community of Interest - successful application to the Centre for Addictions and Mental Health’s Evidence Exchange Network to establish an Upstream Community of Interest.

The committee took a moment to recognize the lives lost in the Ecole Polytechnique massacre, in Montreal Quebec, on December 6, 1989.

Transition to Care Program - individuals leaving corrections with access to primary care through Dilico Anishinabek Family Care, Anishnawbe Mushkiki - Aboriginal Health Access Centre and Matawa Health Cooperative.

Systemic Child Centre, develop a youth wellness hub , MPP Kevin Holland read letter at Parliament, permanent funding, steering committee (December 7, 2023), build in components, navigator price,

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) program has put in for grant and received no response.

Children Centre is currently working on a systemic barriers project to include listening circles and draft report.

United Way Board is developing a community impact plan to refresh and reengage with stakeholders. A development committee is being formed to support priorities.

Grief counselling is available and a sacred fire is burning due to the loss of seven Elders within Fort William First Nation (FWFN).
The drug epidemic on FWFN is severe.
Currently seeking a FWFN representative to sit on CSWB committee.

Thunder Bay District Health Unit (TBDHU) is currently navigating to strengthen public health through local, regional and provincial levels.

Thunder Bay District Social Services Administration Board (TBDSSAB) passed a resolution to lobby the Prime Minister and Premiere regarding additional funding, affordable housing and homelessness

At 4:58 p.m. the committee lost quorum.

The Community Safety and Well-Being Advisory Committee meetings will be held quarterly, in the McNaughton Room, from 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted; the proposed schedule for 2024 follows:

  • Wednesday, February 28, 2024
  • Wednesday, May 29, 2024
  • Wednesday, September 25, 2024
  • Wednesday, December 11, 2024

The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.

No Item Selected