Committee of the Whole Meeting

S.H. Blake Memorial Auditorium

Closed Session Agendas will be distributed separately to Members of Council and EMT only.

  • WITH RESPECT to the December 2, 2024 Committee of the Whole meeting, we recommend that the agenda as printed, including any additional information and new business, be confirmed.

Memorandum from Manager - Roads Ian Spoljarich dated November 6, 2024 requesting to make a presentation on the City of Thunder Bay's Winter Control Standards.

Meeting 04-2024 of the Earthcare Advisory Committee, held on October 9, 2024, for information.

Meeting 06-2024 of Waterfront Development Committee, dated September 10, 2024, for information.

On June 17, 2024 Committee of the Whole passed a resolution following a deputation from the Coalition for Waverley Park that the contents of the deputation be referred to Administration for review including the addition of the Waverley Fountain maintenance costs into the Parks & Open Spaces 3-year capital budget and the use of funding from the sale of surplus park lands to report back on or before December 2, 2024 to inform the 2025 Budget.

Report 416-2024-Infrastructure & Operations-Parks providing an update to City Council on the planning and budgeting for the Waverley Park Fountain and Cenotaph Restoration project including 2025 capital budget impacts, recommended project staging, and opportunities to secure external funding, for information. 

Correspondence received from David Noonan - The Coalition for Waverley Park, dated November 19, 2024 requesting to provide a deputation.

  • WITH RESPECT to Report 416-2024 – Infrastructure and Operations - Parks & Open Spaces dated November 19, 2024, we recommend that Outstanding Item 2024-104-INO be removed from the Outstanding List;

    AND THAT any necessary by-laws be presented to City Council for ratification.

Memorandum from Kayla Dixon, Commissioner of Infrastructure & Operations dated October 10, 2024 recommending that the execution of the Transfer Payment Agreement (TPA) for the Housing-Enabling Water Systems Fund (HEWSF) between the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay be approved.


    WITH RESPECT to the Memorandum from Kayla Dixon, Commissioner of Infrastructure & Operations dated October 10th, 2024, we recommend that the execution of the Transfer Payment Agreement (TPA) for the Housing-Enabling Water Systems Fund (HEWSF) between the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay be approved;

    AND THAT the municipal contribution required to fund the remaining portion of the project to be included in the 2025 and 2026 Capital Budgets;

    AND THAT the Director Engineering & Operations be authorized to execute any necessary agreements;

    AND THAT any necessary by-laws be presented to City Council.


Memorandum from Kayla Dixon, Commissioner - Infrastructure & Operations, dated November 18, 2024, recommending that the date for the report back of Outstanding Item 2024-103-INO Red Light Cameras be changed from December 2, 2024 to the First Quarter (Q1) of 2025.


  • WITH RESPECT to the Memorandum from Kayla Dixon, Commissioner – Infrastructure & Operations, dated December 2, 2024, we recommend that the date for the report back of Outstanding Item 2024-103-INO Red Light Cameras be changed from December 2, 2024 to the First Quarter (Q1) of 2025;

    AND THAT any necessary bylaws be presented to Council for consideration.

Memorandum from Chair – Inter-Governmental Affairs Committee Councillor Kristen Oliver dated November 13, 2024 recommending that the Province be called upon to update the Municipal Elections Act (MEA) with priority amendments as outlined by the Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks, and Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO), in advance of Summer 2025 to allow adequate time for planning for the 2026 municipal elections.

  • WITH RESPECT to the Memorandum from Kristen Oliver, Chair – Inter-Governmental Affairs Committee, dated November 13, 2024, we recommend that the Province be called upon to update the Municipal Elections Act (MEA) with priority amendments as outlined by the Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks, and Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO), in advance of Summer 2025 to allow adequate time for planning for the 2026 municipal elections;

    AND THAT the Province commence work to review and re-write the MEA with longer-term recommendations ahead of the 2030 elections;

    AND THAT the MEA be reviewed and updated every four years to keep pace with changing voter expectations, technology, and trends;

    AND THAT a copy of this resolution be provided to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Minister of Education, Minister of Public and Business Service Delivery, Minister of Finance, the Premier of Ontario, MPP Thunder Bay–Atikokan, MPP Thunder Bay–Superior North, and AMCTO;

    AND THAT any necessary by-laws be presented to City Council for ratification.


Memorandum from Chair – Inter-Governmental Affairs Committee Councillor Kristen Oliver dated November 19, 2024 recommending support of the implementation of the Ontario Forest Industries Association’s 2025 Ontario Budget Recommendations aimed at attracting investment and maintaining forest operations and employment in Ontario.

  • WITH RESPECT to the Memorandum from Councillor Kristen Oliver, Chair – Inter-Governmental Affairs Committee, dated November 19, 2024, we recommend support of the implementation of the Ontario Forest Industries Association’s 2025 Ontario Budget Recommendations aimed at attracting investment and maintaining forest operations and employment in Ontario;

    AND THAT a copy of this motion be sent to the Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade, Minister of Natural Resources, Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks, Minister of Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement, Minister of Mines, Minister of Energy and Electrification, Minister of Finance, Minister of Northern Development/Indigenous Affairs and First Nations Economic Reconciliation, MPP Thunder Bay - Atikokan/ Associate Minister of Forestry and Forest Products, MPP Thunder Bay - Superior North, and all NOMA member municipalities;

    AND THAT any necessary by-laws be presented to City Council for ratification.


Memorandum from Chair – Inter-Governmental Affairs Committee Councillor Kristen Oliver dated November 19, 2024 recommending that Council calls for the Federal Government to delay the implementation of PGWP reforms as these changes will have profound negative impacts on Northwestern Ontario and worsen the region’s critical labour gaps.

  • WITH RESPECT to the Memorandum from Councillor Kristen Oliver, Chair – Inter-Governmental Affairs Committee, dated November 19, 2024, we recommend that Council calls for the Federal Government to delay the implementation of PGWP reforms as these changes will have profound negative impacts on Northwestern Ontario and worsen the region’s critical labour gaps;

    AND THAT the delay of PGWP reforms would allow the Federal Government the necessary time to engage collaboratively with industry leaders, provincial authorities, and the public college sector, to safeguard economic growth in Thunder Bay and across Northwestern Ontario;

    AND THAT a copy of this resolution be provided to the Prime Minister and Minister of Immigration, Refugees & Citizenship in addition to the Presidents of Confederation College and Lakehead University;

    AND THAT any necessary by-laws be presented to City Council for ratification.

Memorandum from Director - Legislative Services & City Clerk Krista Power dated November 19, 2024, providing the Operations Outstanding List, for information.